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In Memoriam

Manfred Irber w. S&T

Manfred Irber from S&T w. his customers ready to take off for dinner at the
lake-side area - I've been welcomed to be often with them at that time

Manfred Irber

Manfred Irber (D), died on 12.07.2015 (click on for more information)
Manfred Irber died with only 67 years after heavy illness and much too early.
Who knew him in his times with S&T at München, so as I do, does only remember a very sympathetic
person who was open to any problem and of course for their solutions.
He allowed me with his collegues (Mr. Betz †, Mr. Weigert) to come to every Ferrari Meet
organized for their customers. He was at that time also member of the Ferrari MODEL CLUB !
I was also allowed at that time to shoot the new 512 TR at their show room or the F355 as long
as I needed and I also received the Ferrari Yearbook when I asked for it.
With Manfred Irber the Ferrari community will loose one of their best specialists for
older Ferrari or other Italian sports cars in respect of maintenance, repair and care.

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