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In Memoriam

Pierre Bardinon at Mas du Clos
photo: ©Dominique J. F. Lahuec

Pierre Bardinon (F), died on 17.08.2012 (click on for more information)
M Pierre, that's how he wanted me to call him, left us in his 82nd year. He was an unusual celebrity,
to whom the make Ferrari was the most important thing in his life. Nevertheless when you were invited
he was the best host you ever may imagine. When the relation to him became friendship, he allowed you
nearly to be like at your home. For M Pierre it was important what your character was, not how many
Ferrari you owned. I owe him very, very much.
Adieu M Pierre - for ever !

Sergio Pininfarina  ringraziamenti PF

Sergio Pininfarina (I), died on 03.07.2012

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